The DonorID is a free service provided by Anedot! Anedot offers registered donors a faster checkout experience, the ability to track giving history, manage commitments, and save payment methods. A DonorID is not required to make donations through Anedot.
If you have a DonorID but do not want to use it for a specific donation, you may checkout as a guest by clicking the "Not you? Logout" option on any page.
How do I sign up for a free DonorID?
To sign up for a DonorID, click here!
When setting up a DonorID, be sure to use the same email address that was used to submit your donations. Donations made under a different email will not be connected to your DonorID.
If you receive an error when attempting to sign up for a DonorID, you may have an existing DonorID. You can try Signing In or contact our Support team here for further assistance!
If you already have a DonorID, click here to log in.
To manage your recurring donations via the DonorID, click here!